
The Emergency Division (ER) at ZHUMC operates 24/7 to provide the community-at-large with vital health care for acutely ill and injured patients.

We ensure a triage system in place, used to categorize ER visitors at the time of first contact by an experienced triage nurse and/or physician, so that patients with the most serious cases are seen first and taken care of as quickly as possible.

For many diseases and injuries, the initial phase of care is very critical. It is in the stage where accurate diagnoses are made and appropriate treatments are initiated to obtain rapid recovery and prevent complications. Patients are cared for, not necessarily in order of their arrival, but according to the severity of their illnesses, and the impact of potential complications if not immediately treated.

Our care is delivered to all patients regardless of their gender, culture, beliefs, principles, social status, or disability. It goes without saying that privacy is respected at all times.


Our ER team is composed of ER specialists, certified physicians, specialized registered nurses, and advanced midlevel care providers, who all engage in programs of continuous education and training on urgent issues. Furthermore, we have access to attending specialists in all specialties 24/7, and a short admitting pathway to the operating room, cardiac catheterization and intensive care units.
The emergency division includes:

  • Triage room
  • Medical Assessment unit
  • Adult Resuscitation unit
  • Pediatric Examination room
  • Pediatric Resuscitation unit for pediatric and neonates
  • Surgical Assessment and Management unit
  • Intensive Medical Care unit
  • Transfer unit

The emergency division at ZHUMC is completely equipped with advanced monitors, respirators, and other equipment. Many procedures can be performed on site such as central line, arterial line, pericardiocentesis, chest tube, abdominal and pleural tap, suprapubic catheterization, and so on.


Message From The Chair



Tel: 00961-1-851040 Ext: 1000/1001


  1. Dr. Khaled Al Saleh
  2. Dr. Bassem Jaber
  3. Dr. Firas Zaki

    Dr. Firas Zaki

    1. Emergency Medicine
    1. Emergency Physician
  4. Dr. Ahmad Khalil
  5. Dr. Habib Kassem